4. Sınıf İngilizce Fun With Science 3 Testi Çöz 1 ) 1-6. sorularda görsele uygun olan cevabı işaretleyelim. Agoggles Bbeans Cplant Dglass 2 ) Asoil Btootbrush Cjar Dglass 3 ) Apencil Bsoil Cbeans Dcup 4 ) Aplant Btootbrush Cglass Dscissors 5 ) Apencil case Bcup Cplant Dpaper towel 6 ) Afood coloring Bpebbles Cbeans Dglass 7 ) 7-8. sorularda noktalı yere gelmesi gereken ifadeleri işaretleyelim. - _____ blue and yellow, and you get ______ . Amix / green Bcut / colour Cmix / brown Dplant / green 8 ) - ______ cut it now! ADon't BWhat CBe DWhere 9 ) 9-11. sorularda noktalı yerlere gelmesi gereken ifadeleri görseli dikkate alarak işaretleyelim. A: Where are the pencils? B: They are _______ . Abehind he pencil case. Bin the bag. Cin the pencil case. Din front of the bottle. 10 ) A: Where is the brush? B: _____________ . AIt's in front of the glass. BIt's near the glass. CIt's behind the bottle. DIt's in front of the bottle.