8. Sınıf İngilizce On The Phone Testi Çöz 5 1 ) Aşağıdaki görseli ifade eden seçenek hangisidir? AWriting a letter BTexting a message CLeaving a voice mail DLeaving a note 2 ) Diyalogda hoş bırakılan yere aşağıdakiler-den hangisi getirilemez? Charlie : Hello, Charlie speaking. ................. ? Secretary: I’m afraid Jane is not available at the moment, she is in a meeting now. Can I take a message? ACan I leave a message for Jane BCan you put me through to Jane CIs Jane there DCan I speak to Jane 3 ) Diyalogda hoş bırakılan yere aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilemez? Peter : Hi Richard, I would like to discuss the science project with you. Are you busy now? Can you talk? Leo : I’m getting a haircut now. ................. ACan I call back in half an hour? BI’ll put you through, can you hold on a second? CCan you call back tonight? DCan we discuss it later? 4 ) Diyalogda hoş bırakılan yere uygun gelen seçenek hangisidir? Bruce : Lee didn’t come to school today. Do you know what happened to him? Jackie : He broke his arm yesterday during a soccer tournament. Bruce : ................. AHe doesn’t like his school. BHe should play soccer more often. CI’m sorry to hear that. DI scored two goals yesterday. 5 ) Aşağıdaki görsele göre diyalogda boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen seçenek hangisidir? Mary: Hi Jane, if you’re not busy would you like to have coffee at the cafeteria with me? Jane : ......................... Mary : That’s okay, we will catch up some other time. AI’m sorry, I think you dialled the wrong number. BThat would be great but I’m very busy. CSure, I’m not busy, let’s meet there in half an hour. DI’m sorry, I don’t have any coffee. 6 ) Diyalogda boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen seçenek hangisidir? Lora : Susan! Your mobile phone is ringing. Susan : I’m washing the dishes, ................ ? ACan you answer for me? BCan you hang up for me? CCan I call you tomorrow? DCan you call back later? 7 ) Aşağıdaki resimlerde olmayan iletişim şekle hangisidir? AC BD CB DA 8 ) Aşağıdaki resme göre, cümledeki boşluğa uygun seçenek hangisidir? Aplaying computer games Bleaving alone Cleaving voicemall Dplaying board games 9 ) 9-10. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Sending an email is very quick. You can send a message anywhere in the world. It’s not expensive, it’s cheaper than texting if you want to send a message to a friend in another country. You can send the same message to lots of different people at the same time. It’s great if you’re planning a party. On the other hand, not everyone uses email. They just text on their mobiles. You also get a lot of emails you don’t want which is calied junk mail. You have to be very careful especially when you get an email from someone you don’t know. It’s best not to open it. Because it might have an attachment with a virus. Which of the following would be the best heading? AAdvantages and disadvantages of email BResponding an email with a virus CWhat is an Email? Why is it bad for teenagers? DSending an email without a virus 10 ) Which of the following information is true? ASending an emai! anywhere in the world is very cheap and quick. BNobody uses email as a communication tool. CTexting is the best option when you send a message to a friend in another country. DIt is best to open an email from someone you don’t know.