8. Sınıf İngilizce Tourism 6 Testi Çöz 1 ) Verilen ifadelere uygun olan görsel hangisidir? • it is one of the greatest buildings in the worid. • It is in İstanbul. • It used to be a church. • After Fatih Sultan Mehmet, it became a mosque. • Now, it is an amazing museum. AD BB CA DC 2 ) Verilen cümlede aşağıdaki sorulardan hangisinin cevabı yoktur? ADid you go there on your own? BWhere did you go last month? CHow long did you stay there? DWhat was it like? 3 ) Farklı olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz. ABed and breakfast places BMeatball CAll-inclusive resorts DHostels 4 ) Verilen tabloya göre aşağıdaki ifadelerden hangisi yanlıştır? AThe Eiffel Tower is heavier than the Tower of Pisa. BThe Eiffei Tower is taller than the Tower of Pisa. CThe Tower of Pisa is heavier than the Eiffel Tower. DThe Tower of Pisa is shorter than the Eiffel Tower. 5 ) Diyaloğu uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifade hangisidir? Bec : ............. ? Dave : It is Abuja but the biggest city in Nigeria is Lagos. AWhat is the population of Nigeria BWhat is the cuisine of Nigeria CWhat is the currency of Nigeria DWhat is the capital of Nigeria 6 ) The scenery of Pierre Loti is fascinating! Hangisi altı çizili sözcük He aynı anlamdadır? Ataste Bancient Cconstruction Dview 7 ) Dağınık şeküde verilen cümleyi sıraya koyunuz. I. What did you do İn Aianya? ll. I love beach holidays, lll. l tried different activities. IV. Why did you go there? Al-III-II-IV Bl-II-lII-IV CIV - II-III-l DI-III-IV-II 8 ) Anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. I. Rome İs a beautiful city with many historic sites. II. Although it’s not by the sea, there are a lot of tourist attractions. III. I visited churches, ruins and museums there. IV. I prefer seaside holidays, so I went to Rome with my family. AII BIV CI DIII 9 ) Aşağıdaki cümle ile aynı anlama gelen şıkkı işaretleyiniz. “My brother would rather visit seaside towns than city centres.” AHe prefers seaside towns to city centres. BMy brother doesn’t prefer seaside towns. CHe prefers seaside towns and city centres. DHe prefers city centres to seaside towns. 10 ) Do you know which ................ is best to take with you to Australia? Aclimate Blocation Ccurrency Dhotel